Htoo Eain Thin - Myopya La Yaung Than Chin Myar

This is the album from the remarkable person or singer who got respect and aspiration from the people. People name him as "Big Brid" or "Ko Nyat Gyi", real name "Htoo Eain Thin". It is because of his literature profession, he composed meaningful songs, poems and also he sings with a really great vocal. That's the reason even though he is not here in this world quite a few years, his name and songs are still talking about, are still cheering. And this album is called "Myopya La Yaung Than Chin Myar" with only 6 songs in this album. Hope you enjoy this!

The latest album being uploaded was City FM 7th Anniversary.

You can download Htoo Eain Thin - Myopya La Yaung Than Chin Myar album HERE.

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