"Nyi Nyi - Wai Hinn Hte Doe" is a newly, recently release album. I do not know much about this singer and the songs in this album. I guess it would be kinda Hip Hop genre songs. So, I will not be able to give you any opinion about this album. Anyway, since this is a new album, you should give it a try to see how it is! It's never bad to try something new. Maybe this is your taste, who knows! Please enjoy the songs!!
The previous post was a single song of a famous rocker Myo Gyi called Nar Nar Pyi Pyaw songs. It's kinda nice songs, please try!
You can download Nyi Nyi - Wai Hinn Hte Doe' album HERE.
The previous post was a single song of a famous rocker Myo Gyi called Nar Nar Pyi Pyaw songs. It's kinda nice songs, please try!
You can download Nyi Nyi - Wai Hinn Hte Doe' album HERE.
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