Wine Wyne - Kyo Mae' Zun

I wake up earlier than the other day and post my first album today. This is another collection of Wine Wyne's albums. I have five album collected on my site already and this will be the sixth album. The name of the album is called "Kyo Mae' Zun" with only eleven songs in the album. Even though his songs are mostly the copy tune from Chinese songs, the songs are still good to listen to. However, if he could produce his own tune, it would be fantastic because he also has a really nice vocal. Some people are complaining and criticizing that he should stop copying and create his own tune. Anyway, please enjoy this album!

The last album for last night was  Thin Zar Maw Yae' Thin Zar Maw. Some people say this album is the best of her album out there, so you should give it a try if you haven't yet.

You can download Wine Wyne - Kyo Mae' Zun album HERE.

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