Eaint Met Lar Tha Kel Lar (1)

Friday evening is one the most favorite time for me because I used to have a great time, and still having a great time! I am sure most of you will also be having a great time on Friday evening! Anyway, the second album for today is Eaint Met Lar Tha Kel Lar (1) album. The singers in this album are such as Han Tun, R Zarni, Tha O, L Lone War, Naw Naw, Lyn Lyn, Mg Mg Zaw Latt, Min Maw Gun, G. Latt, and the Jungle! Please enjoy the album!!

The first album in today which I put on this noon was A Hnit Na Sel (20 years).

You can download  Eaint Met Lar Tha Kel Lar (1) album HERE.

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