Myay Eain Yae' Myit Ta Sin

Here comes Friday again! I hope this is as usual the most preferable day for you. Unfortunately, it isn't for me this week because I will be having quiz tomorrow early morning. So I must study hard tonight. Before I head to my study, I will have you one album. I was looking for Htoo L Lin album and found this, I was trying to get solo album of Htoo L Linn. The name of this album is called Myay Eain Yae' Myit Ta Sin, sung by various singers such as Chaw Su Khin, Myo Gyi, Ah Naw, Htoo L Linn, Mee Mee Khel and so on! Please enjoy!

The most recent album being uploaded was Htoo Eain Thin - A Kyin Nar Eain Met.

You can download Myay Eain Yae' Myit Ta Sin album HERE.

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