Lyn Lyn - Death of Mandalay

This is a single of the nowadays famous singer, rocker, "Lyn Lyn". This song is quite good and it was a live show song. The name of the song is called "Death of Mandalay". I am listening to this song while writing this post and I notice that it is about the colonization. It is about the colonization of the British, when they conquered Mandalay Palace. So, we can say that it is kind of nationalistic song. And the song ends of the melody of the Myanmar national anthem. I thought it is about British; however, it isn't! According to the visitors feedbacks, it is about the domination of the Chinese in Mandalay as the population of Chinese is increasing in Mandalay. Anyway, it is a great song!!

The last album uploaded yesterday was Sin Pout - A Kyi' Tha Chat. You can have a taste!

Here is its Youtube video:

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