Aye Say Pel - Idiots, Reason, Wanted, and Khant Phyo

I have been thinking and because of the weird things happened yesterday, it makes me committed and stronger. In life, what makes you sad and disappointed often makes you stronger and stronger. So I decided to invest more time in my hobbies instead thinking of stupid things which are unrealistic. And This morning I have another rock album for you all. I love rock songs when I am down. The singers in this album are Idiots, Reason, Wanted, and Khant Phyo. The name of the album is called Aye Say Pel. It really entertains me and rock me up. I wish it does the same to you!

The last album I published was Rock Nhint Ta Phan Kwe Chin.

You can download Aye Say Pel - Idiots, Reason, Wanted, Khant Phyo album HERE.

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