I feel like uploading some rock songs as I am trying to rock myself up from some stressful things today. Something weird happened and I needed to try taking over myself again and hoping this album will help me overcome that. I am listening to this album while posting this album here. The songs are collected by MYMC, all thanks to them. The name given for this collection is Rock Nhint Ta Phan Kwe Chin. I am now being in love with listening to this album! And hopefully you all will like it too!
The album I have for you this afternoon was Side Effects - Moe Nya Eain Met Myar.
You can download Rock Nhint Ta Phan Kwe Chin album HERE. (Credit:MYMC)
The album I have for you this afternoon was Side Effects - Moe Nya Eain Met Myar.
You can download Rock Nhint Ta Phan Kwe Chin album HERE. (Credit:MYMC)