Showing posts with label Sone Thin Par. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sone Thin Par. Show all posts
There are quite a few of newly released album during these days being shared. This is another new album of 2012. This new album is from a famous Chin lady singer "Sone Thin Par". This album was released on last December 22, 2012. There are altogether twelve songs in this album. The name of the album is called "A Thit" or "New". She is possessing a very unique cracking strong voice which is quite attractive. I am sure this new album will also be entertaining you a lot. Please enjoy the songs!!

You can download this album HERE.

Sone Thin Par - A Thit

Christmas is just at the corner, it's tomorrow! So, I have compiling Christmas songs for you guys. This album is a various artists album which they all sing dedicated songs for Christmas. The name of this album is called "Christmas Kabyar" with only twelve songs in the album. I have only published two album of Christmas songs album which they are only in English. This album is in Burmese and I hope that you all would love this album! Please enjoy the songs!!

You can download this album HERE.

VA - Christmas Kabyar

This Myanmar songs album is called "Mater Love Songs". It seems like it's an album that collects all the good love songs and compiles it into an album. There are twelve songs in this album. Additionally, there are quite many singers such as R Zarni, Myo Gyi, Alex, Sone Thin Par, L Lone War, Cobra, L Sai Zi, and many others. I believe that this is a great album; so please listen to it!!

You can download this Master Love Songs album HERE.


Master Love Songs

This album is a various artist album which I guess has been released quite few years ago. There are only ten songs in the album sung by Aung Yin, R Zarni, L Lone War, Mi Mi Win Phay and many others. I could not update any songs this morning since I have class in the morning until this afternoon. This is the first album for today. Please enjoy!

The last album being updated yesterday was an album which is dedicated to Saw Bwae Mhu called Saw Bwae' Mu A Mhat Ta Ya 1.

You can download this Chit Yee Sar Thu Ta Par Ma Nan Say Chin album HERE.

Chit Yee Sar Thu Ta Par Ma Nan Say Chin

This is one of the newly released Myanmar songs album. This album has the longest album's title I have ever seen and has many singers; moreover, so many songs as well. The name of the album is A Net Yaung Lan Ma Paw Ka Lu Taing Nae Ma Kin Taw A Yar, really lone one with sixteen songs in the album. There are fifteen singers in this album including R Zarni, Zaw Paing, L Lone War, Tun Tun, Sone Thin Par, Rebecca Win and many others. I am sure this album would be great! Please enjoy!!

The first album being uploaded this morning was called 19:18 Volume II, this has been requested.

You can download this newly released album HERE. Password for RAR is axlerose.


A Net Yaung Lan Ma Paw Ka Lu Taing Nae Ma Kin Taw A Yar

"A Mhat Tha Ya Mee", I think this is a good album but I do not see any response from users when I get this album. I guess maybe it is because people miss to listen to this album and so do the comments and likes. Anyway, I hope that you will love this album. It is twelve songs in the album. The album has various kinds of songs with different singers. Some songs are couple songs whereas others are single ones. And the songs have different genre as well. I am listening to it while posting this, it's awesome! Please have a try!!

The first album for today was also a various artists album called "Chit Thu Myat Nar".

I will not upload the songs for download at the moment. I will do so when there are substantial response and requests from the visitors! So, if you want this oldie album download, please request!

A Mhat Tha Ya Mee

Monday, the laziest and the most sleepy day of the week has come! I myself have to make up myself to get into doing things. I am still in the mood of holidays, it's been always like this on every weekends. I am sure you would have the same feeling. Anyway, the songs album I am having for you this Monday morning is a live show of a various artist album called "Myat Noe Chin Moe Tain". There are quite many singers in this album like Examplez, NO, Sone Thin Par, R Zarni, Han Tun, Alex and many others. I hope this album energizes your Monday and wish you a good luck for the rest of the week!

The last album being upload from yesterday was another collection of Htun Aeindra Bo, the fifth album of collection. The album name was Nay Yar Lay Ta Khu.

You can download Myat Noe Chin Moe Tain album HERE.

Myat Noe Chin Moe Tain

Here comes Monday again, the laziest day of the week for almost everyone. I didn't want to get up because of the momentum of holidays is still in effect and I went to bed late last night. However, there are things to be done and I have no choice to go on! As said, here is another female album. This is from a Chin ethnic singer, Sone Thin Par, and this is the second single album of her on my site. The name of the album is "Min Ko" with eleven songs in the album. I expect that you would find this entertaining and energize your Monday!

The last album uploaded yesterday was Shin Phone - Yin Kone Mi Thu, you should try this out too!

For this Sone Thin Par - Min Ko album, I will not provide the download link yet until there is a request to save some space.

Sone Thin Par - Min Ko album

I think this is the third album for today and this is the best album of all I would say for today. This album has many singers in it and the songs are all great. The songs are soft and gentle, good at both the meaning of the lyric and the melody. The name of the album is "Chit Alawn Myar Nyein Say Tha Thee". It's an album singing to confort people who are suffering from love I would say. This album has twelve songs altogether. Please listen to it and I promise that it will not disappoint you!

The recent album which was uploaded this evening was Tun Eaindra Bo - Nar Lel Thint Pe.

You can download Chit Alawn Myar Nyein Say Tha Thee album HERE.

Chit Alawn Myar Nyein Say Tha Thee

I have been posting male songs album lately and figure it out that I should have more female albums starting from now. I surf over  the internet and found this album. This is the songs of a Chin ethnic famous female singer called "Sone Thin Par". She also possesses a very unique voice, a kinda crack and strong one which is really attractive. The name of the album is called "Koe' A Kyaing Nae' Ko' with twelve songs in this album. I haven't tried listening to it yet because I am still uploading while writing this post. However, I believe that this will be a really great album. Please enjoy!

The recent album which was presented was Ah Nge last album called "Khun Na Htway A Ka", you can try this out as well.

Sone Thin Par - Koe' A Kyaing Nae' Ko

Next week will be my exam time and I have been reviewing. I am uploading songs during my leisure time from my study time. I am afraid that I would not be able to upload songs tomorrow; therefore, I do it tonight! The album is one of the City FM anniversary albums. This one is the fifth anniversary and it is called "A Chit Myar Latt Saung" with 12 songs in the album. Please enjoy!

The latest album uploaded today was Myo Gyi's single song called "Yo Shin Thaw Bawa Ye Pyaw Shwin Hmu".

You can download City FM 5 Anniversary - A Chit Myar Latt Saung album HERE.

City FM 5 Anniversary - A Chit Myar Latt Saung

This is "City FM Anniversary Album", the 7th Anniversary. There are fourteen songs in this album sung by quite a few singers. I have other anniversary albums uploaded as well. You can surf around and look for them. The titles are ordered alphabetically, and I hope that you will be able to find what you want easier. Some singers in this album are such as L Lone War, L Saizi, Sai Sai Kham Leng, Sone Thin Par, Melody, Su Pan Thra, Phyo Gyi, R Zarni, Rebecca Win, Hel Lay, Ye Lay and some others. Hope you will enjoy this album!

The previous song track being uploaded was Zaw Win Htut - Yawt Lwint.

You can download City FM 7th Anniversary album HERE.

City FM 7th Anniversary

I am having exam since in the early morning. I was about to be late to the exam because of the inefficient of the van facilities. Anyway, I am moving to the school dormitory soon and I am sure I will have more time to upload Mp3 songs more than now later on. The album I have for you all now is A Chit Myar Nae' Kabar 2. In this album, I notice that all the singers are female such as NO, Sone Thin Par, Nwe Yin Win, Shin Phone, Ar Mu, Naw Li Zar, Kar Kar, and some others. I hope you will enjoy this album too!

The most recent album was Champion Laung if you wanna try it out!

You can download  A Chit Myar Nae' Kabar 2 album HERE.

A Chit Myar Nae' Kabar 2

My laptop got infected and have been busy with re-installing a new windows and program last night until the very late. Everything is in order and every program is working as usual now and I will be able to resume my duty to upload songs album for you all, my valuable visitors. I notice that more people are sharing our website on social sharing network, which is one way to help us; therefore, many thanks to those who help and please who haven't shared, please help us share!

Today's album is call A Mone Ma Shi Tae' Ka Bar sung by a few singers like Sone Thin Par, Phoe Kar, Thin Zar Maw, L Lone War, Su Zi, L Naung, Hel Lay and so on.

The last album uploaded on Myanmar Online Music was Phoe Kar - Toe Toe Pyaw Par.

You can download A Mone Ma Shi Tae' Ka Bar album HERE.

A Mone Ma Shi Tae' Ka Bar

These days things are not really in order. I am almost all the time in short tempered because of party the mistakes I repeatedly have done and never learned a lesson, and partly because of the hackers, the internet conditions and so on. And definitely, it has some effects on my daily mood to work which leads to unable to have more songs for you all! Anyway, today I have one collection songs, top ten songs. In this collection, the singers are Black Hole, Chit Thu Wai, L Lone War, Alex, Sone Thin Par, Sin Pout, Poe Kar, Hel Lay, and so on. Hope you will like this Top Ten Songs!

The latest album from yesterday was D Lay - Kwint Lutt Sate.

You can download this Top Ten Songs album HERE.

Top Ten Songs

I am starting my routine works again! I have had a very very fantastic weekend. I expect you did spend your time on weekend wisely too! On this Monday morning, I am going to present you an album called Kabar Thit (1) album, sung by quite a few well-known singers such as R Zarni, L Lone War, Zone Thin Par, Graham, Thin Zar Maw, Zaw Paing, Alex, Chaw Su Khin, Phyo Gyi, and Khin Phone. I expect this will refresh your Monday! Please enjoy!

The last album presented yesterday was Awar Yaung Lann Kalay.

You can download Kabar Thit (1) album HERE.

Kabar Thit (1)

This morning I have Sai Htee Saing songs album for you and I am not if that energize your Monday! This second album for today is called Yuu Pe, with nineteen songs in total. It is sung by many famous artists such as Zaw Win Htut, L Lone War, Chan Chan, Wine Su Khaing Thein, Doe Lone, Si Thu Lwin, Sone Thin Par, R Zarni, Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thien, and so on. Hope this album is much more entertaining!

You can download this album HERE if you want!

Yuu Pe Album

This will be the last album for today, I am quite tired today because of last night affect! lol! I can only have two post today, one was A Phyu Yaung Na Lone Thar. This one is A Taik Myat Khin Sein Myar Thoe A Lwan and sung by some famous singers! Please enjoy!!

You can download this album HERE if you want!

A Taik Myat Khin Sein Myar Thoe A Lwan

This is the second time for today! Monday is almost passed and I am sure you are more energetic to roll on to Tuesdays! LOL! The name of the album is called Colorfull (1), sung by many artists such as L Loon War, Chit Thu Wai, Sone Thin Par, Thin Zar Maw, SHE, Gaw Ni, Dway, Chaw Su Khin, and Kyo Kyar. Please enjoy!

 You can download this album HERE.

Colorfull (1)

Happy weekend all! Today I was trying to get some rock songs and came across this album. The name of the album is called Tay Myone Ngat Hnit 50. The songs are sung by various singers such as Lay Phyu, Ah Nge, Wine Wine, Sone Thin Par, Htoo Eain Thin and so on. I am sure the songs will be all good! Please enjoy!

 You can download this album HERE.

Tay Myone Ngat Hnit 50

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