Internet Thingyan

I am sure this kind of Thingyan songs are for the modern Thingyan songs and the youngsters nowadays will prefer this kind! This album is called Internet Thingyan sung by various singers such as Sai Sai Kham Leng, Chaw Su Khin, Mee Mee Kae, Chaw Chaw and so on. I hope you will like this playlist as well.

If you would like to try other Thingyan songs album, you can choose from the following!
(1)Summer Holidays 2012
(2)Master Thingyan or Water Festival 2012
(3)Nhit Thit Mingalar 1
(4)Nhit Thit Mingalar 2
(5)Nhit Thit Mingalar 3
(6)Yangon Thingyan 1
(7)Yangon Thingyan 2

You can download this album HERE.

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