Nway Oo Yae La Tha Kuu

This is another taste of Thingyan songs for you all today! There are quite a few albums that I have posted here already. However, I think they give a different taste and you all will not get fed up with it easily! Today album is called Nway Oo Yae La Tha Kuu. Hope you like this album too!

You can choose to listen from the following album as well!
(1)Summer Holidays 2012
(2)Master Thingyan or Water Festival 2012
(3)Nhit Thit Mingalar 1
(4)Nhit Thit Mingalar 2
(5)Nhit Thit Mingalar 3
(6)Yangon Thingyan 1
(7)Yangon Thingyan 2
(8)Internet Thingyan

You can download this album HERE.

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