Ngar Mone Tae' Thingyan

This album is quite strange! The name of the album is strange, 'Ngar Mone Tae' Thingyan', means 'The Thingyan I hate'. The reason I said it is strange is that usually people love Thingyan. You also love that, right! :D Anyway, please listen to this album and see if you like it or not, I mean this playlist!

If you would like to listen to other Thingyan albums, you can choose from the following!:
(1)Summer Holidays 2012
(2)Master Thingyan or Water Festival 2012
(3)Nhit Thit Mingalar 1
(4)Nhit Thit Mingalar 2
(5)Nhit Thit Mingalar 3
(6)Yangon Thingyan 1
(7)Yangon Thingyan 2
(8)Internet Thingyan
(9)Nway Oo Yae La Tha Kuu

You can download the full album HERE.

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