Yadanar Maing - Ma Shi Loe' Ma Pyit

I have upload this album since few days ago and forgot to post the playlist here. The cover photo for this album could not be found too, so it is missing the cover image - just bear with that! The name of the album is Yadana Maing - Ma Shi Loe' Ma Pyit, with seventeen songs.

After getting back from school, my mood was undefinable, did not know what was that. It wasn't easy for me to convince myself to upload songs and work on my other websites. It's been like this for a couple of days. However, I promise you all that I will be trying to upload more and more songs in whatever situation!

The previous album from this site was Yin Nwe Oo - Late Pyar Lay Yae' Diary.

You can download Yadanar Maing - Ma Shi Loe' Ma Pyit album HERE.

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