Eaint Met Lar Tha Kel Lar (2)

I got up and hurry up to surf for the songs album because I will have lots of things to be finished today and afraid that I will not have time to post any album. This album I am going to upload has two volumes and I have the first one on quite a long time ago. This is the second one and it is called "Eaint Met Lar Tha Kel Lar (2)" with only ten songs in the album. The singers in this album are great soft rock singers and all the songs in this album are fantastic. I believe you would enjoy this album!

The last album I upload yesterday was Chit Alawn Myar Nyein Say Tha Thee, another great soft rock album.

You can download Eaint Met Lar Tha Kel Lar (2) album HERE if you want.

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